Chocolate Days

Anuraag Ghosh
2 min readOct 24, 2022


This poem may or may not be based on real-life events.

Someone stole it today.
The chocolate, that is —
What did you think?
My heart? No, darling,
That’s gone since five days.
Oh, I know who has it,
But she doesn’t know.

Was it her face? Her voice?
The childlike spark in her eyes?
Nah — it was the warm sweetness
Of chocolate, so, so sincere, that
I couldn’t help but fall in love.
Trees did seem greener, birds mellifluous,
Every waking moment honeyed dreams.

I wanted to fess up —
What d’you think the choc was for?
The 14th was coming, and she to me,
I was so sure, the naïve fool I am.
I cranked up the courage
Thinking of roses, rings, and things
Straight out of a fairy tale.

I sailed on an imaginary voyage —
My ship rocking between my past
And the future I thought I’d revel in:
From Zooming with her, to bookstores
And dance floors, sharing chocolate again,
Trusting her like I did no one ever,
Caring for her like no one else would.

I consider intruding bad manners
So when she told me about him,
With a lead hole in my chest
I bid her adieu that night,
And stowed away the chocolate.
Rejection and acceptance
Came together, surprisingly.

Some feelings are best left ignored.
Though lead melts easily, it drops
Little solid shards inside me
Each time I see her. I don’t act:
Spider-threads shouldn’t be strained.
So all I do now is sit by her side,
And enjoy my chocolate alone.

